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By clicking "Submit" you consent to receive a confirmation email from Premier Dental to the email address you provided. Premier Dental product samples are offered for intended use on patients by a dental professional and are for evaluation purposes only. Samples are meant to be used within 90 days of receipt and are not to be resold. By submitting this form, you acknowledge you are a dental professional. Samples cannot be sent to Vermont. Allow 5-8 weeks for delivery. One sample per office. Offer valid while supplies last.
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your interest.
We are currently out of sample inventory. Please visit premierdentalco.com for more product information.
We're here to help.
We're here to help.
Introducing the VeneerNow™ Injectable Matrix System.
VeneerNow™ represents an evolutionary leap in chairside composite restorations. Its full-contour matrices replicate the natural shape for numerous anterior teeth. You simply select and place the appropriate matrix, inject the composite resin, light-cure, finish and polish — and receive a beautiful, predictable result. NOW.
Redefine your composite restorations and request a free sample of VeneerNow™!
Impregnated Retraction Cord
Aluminum chloride impregnated knitted gingival retraction cord – an ideal supplemental tool for impression prep.
Clinical Applications
Restoration of peg laterals
Direct composite veneer applications
"Forget the time-consuming, hand-layering placement of anterior composites. Switch to VeneerNow, start enjoying the process, and see the results! You won't look back."
– Lori Trost., DMD
"The flexibility and ridges ensure that I’m reaching the unique surfaces of each tooth,"
– Susan S., RDH
"the cup hugs the tooth and splatter was minimal— better than our expensive angle."
– Fern R., RDH
Single Visit. Chairside. Done.
9069237 Standard Kit
32 Small/Medium - SM Teeth 5-12, Palmer
16 Medium/Large - ML Teeth 5-12, Palmer
9069244 Mini Kit
8 Small/Medium - SM Teeth 7-10, Palmer
4 Medium/Large - ML Teeth 7-10, Palmer
(4 ea.)
(2 ea.)
(2 ea.)
(1 ea.)
Refills for S/M tooth 5-12
and M/L tooth 5-12 available.
Aesthetics Simplified.
Efficient. Predictable.
Versatile. Comprehensive.
Affordable Option For Your Patients
See how composite veneers have made the leap.
Click below to request your free sample.
(Or, order VeneerNow for your office here.)
By clicking "Submit" you consent to receive a confirmation email from Premier Dental to the email address you provided. Premier Dental product samples are offered for intended use on patients by a dental professional and are for evaluation purposes only. Samples are meant to be used within 90 days of receipt and are not to be resold. By submitting this form, you acknowledge you are a dental professional. Samples cannot be sent to Vermont. Allow 5-8 weeks for delivery. One sample per office. Offer valid while supplies last.
Thank you for
your interest.
We are currently out of sample inventory. Please visit premierdentalco.com for more product information.
Thank you for
your interest.
We are currently out of sample inventory. Please visit premierdentalco.com for more product information.
VeneerNow™ represents an evolutionary leap in chairside composite restorations. Its full-contour matrices replicate the natural shape for numerous anterior teeth. You simply select and place the appropriate matrix, inject the composite resin, light-cure, finish and polish — and receive a beautiful, predictable result. NOW.
Redefine your composite restorations and request
a free sample of VeneerNow™!
Introducing the VeneerNow™ Injectable Matrix System.