0125018 / *Patent pending.
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We're here to help.
We're here to help.
Superior Quality at an affordable price.
ProFlare® provides a better way to polish. Its unique latex-free articulating cup* pivots and flares adapting to the contour of each tooth surface — for a more efficient polish, with less wrist motion for better ergonomics.
Request your FREE ProFlare sample now.
Put the power of Premier® in your hands.
"There was no jamming or chatter, and with less extreme wrist movements, I had less hand fatigue,"
– Donna G., RDH
"The flexibility and ridges ensure that I’m reaching the unique surfaces of each tooth,"
– Susan S., RDH
"the cup hugs the tooth and splatter was minimal— better than our expensive angle."
– Fern R., RDH
Buy 3 Bags of ProFlare,
Get 1 Bag of ProFlare!*
By clicking "Submit" you consent to receive a confirmation email from Premier Dental to the email address you provided. Premier Dental product samples are offered for use as intended on patients by a dental professional and are for evaluation purposes only. Samples are meant to be used within 90 days of receipt and are not to be resold. By submitting this form, you acknowledge you are a dental professional. Samples cannot be sent to Vermont. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. One sample per office. US & Canada only. While supplies last.
Prophy Handpiece
1. Based on a University of California Irvine study, 2021.
Enamel Pro®
Prophy Paste
Meet the Hygiene All Pros!
Articulating cup design for a superior polish