For Removing & Adjusting Zirconia Restorations
TSZtech™ Diamond Burs are specifically crafted for adjusting and removing zirconia restorations, setting a new standard in precision and efficiency. Now, with the introduction of LTech™ Technology, TSZtech™ ZX is revolutionizing zirconia removal.
The full line of TSZtech™ Diamond Burs optimize zirconia procedures through advanced grit selection, allowing professionals to achieve desired results with ease.
Featuring LTech™ Proprietary Technology, this bur is designed for fast, efficient zirconia removal, reducing chair time and improving the experience for both patient and dentist.
Ideal for efficient removal and moderate amounts of adjustments, preparing surfaces for the ZF bur.2
Perfect for small, precise final adjustments of zirconia surfaces, before final zirconia polishing.2
TSZtech ZF and ZM diamond burs are available in 5-packs.
TSZtech ZX diamond burs are available in 3-packs.
1. ZX Grit – Data on file. 2. Features proprietary P.B.S.® brazing process.
®Two Striper, P.B.S., Compo-Disc, Compo-Strip, Thin-Flex, Clean-A-Diamond, Luminescence and MFS are registered trademarks and ™ Luminescence Plus, Skooter, CrownCut, TGE, MicroPrep, Mini-Squares, TS2000, GCP, SilverStreak, ShortCut, TSZtech, and LTech are trademarks of the manufacturer, Abrasive Technology, LLC.