




8.4% Sodium Bicarbonate Buffer Solution

One-Step, Simple Buffering!

BufferPro™ is developed and manufactured by Premier® Dental Products Company and distributed by Septodont Inc. BufferPro™ offers an elegant, one-step solution for buffering dental local anesthetics. BufferPro™ dispenses 0.1mL of sodium bicarbonate into a dental anesthetic cartridge to raise the pH of the anesthetic solution close to physiologic levels. BufferPro™ is a single-use, sterile packaged, self-contained capsule with no measuring, mixing, or additional accessories.


Features Benefits
1. Single use Sterile packaged
2. Self-contained capsule No Measuring, Mixing, or Additional Accessories
BufferPro™ - predictable fast buffering

Predictably Fast Buffering
One-step, simple buffering

BufferPro™ - single use, sterile packaged

Single-Use, Sterile Packaged
Avoids cross-contamination, preserves shelf life

BufferPro™ - better experience

Better Experience
No accessories, mixing, or measuring

BufferPro™ = economically priced

Economically Priced
Low cost per injection