Course Description:
This course is designed to either familiarize or enhance the Assistant/EFDA’s knowledge of advances in materials and/or techniques currently available. Restorative procedures will be reviewed and discussed with an emphasis on the basics and reasons why procedures may fail.
Matrix options, advances in shading/layering of direct composite procedures and new preventive products will be introduced.
While this course is primarily designed for the experienced Dental Assistant, graduates of programs will also be motivated by being introduced to more advanced procedures. Since the esthetic aspect of dentistry requires a commitment to life-long learning, resources will be reviewed to keep abreast of these advancements. Participants will be encouraged to share techniques for success from their own experiences in practice.
This course can be customized to specific meeting needs: half or full day lecture option/ full day lecture/workshop combination.
Upon completion of the course, the Dental Assistant will be able to: